Your Ranchers

While Double H Ranch is solely Nathan's (left) business, nothing would be possible without the help of the entire family. From long hours spent building fence with Dad, long road trips to Nebraska with Delaney, and evenings spent talking to and feeding the cows with Mom, they are all an extremely important part of the operation.
About Nathan
Nathan started Double H Ranch in the spring of 2023 and is very excited to provide family, friends, and the community with the best locally raised beef. Nathan is 24 years old, a graduate of Mason High School, and Kettering University in Flint, Michigan. Currently working full time as a mechanical engineer within the automotive industry, while hustling to make his childhood dreams a reality.
As a young kid, Nathan's grandpa built him several toy wood barns. Spanning his parents entire basement, from horses to pigs, and cattle to crops, it was quite the operation. Every day after school, it was time to farm, and if anyone dare walk through the basement and knock over any toy horses, they were in big trouble! As time passed, the passion for agriculture continued, becoming involved in the local 4H and FFA, raising pigs, sheep, and dairy feeders for the county fair each year.
Now, some 20 years later, nothing has changed. What was once a herd of toy animals, has become real, and Nathan is still chasing that same dream, as a first generation rancher in the making.
Thank you!

I appreciate any and all support, it means a lot, and every little bit helps to make my childhood dreams a reality.